Optical/Photonic Interconnects for Computing Systems


March 23rd 2018, Dresden Germany
In Conjunction with Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference

General Chairs

Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sébastien Le Beux, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology
Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montréal

Program Chair

Mahdi Nikdast, Colorado State University

Technical Program Committee

Alan Mickelson, University of Colorado Boulder
Ayse Coskun, Boston University
Davide Bertozzi, University of Ferrara
Edoardo Fusella, University of Naples Federico II
Ian O'Connor, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology
Laurent Vivien, CNRS
Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern University
Olivier Sentieys, INRIA - University of Rennes 1
Sandro Bartolini, Università di Siena
Sebastien Rumley, University of Columbia
Tohru Ishihara, Kyoto University
Yaoyao Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yoan Léger, CNRS – FOTON

Final Program

08:30 Introduction to OPTICS
Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Session I: Technological Advances
Chair: Sébastien Le Beux, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology

08:40 KEYNOTE: Silicon Photonics Technology for Advanced Computing Applications
Bert Jan Offrein, IBM Zurich Research Lab.

09:10 Silicon Photonics: towards Heterogeneous and Multi-layer Integration for Very High Density Circuits
Stéphane Bernabé, CEA LETI

09:30 Monolithic III-V Quantum-dot Lasers for Silicon Photonics
Siming Chen, University College London

09:50 Towards Low Power Electro-Optics Modulators
Laurent Vivien, CNRS

10:10 Coffee Break and Posters

Session II: Silicon Photonics in High Performance Computing
Chair: Sébastien Le Beux, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology

10:50 The IIT Delhi Photonics Stack
Smruti R. Sarangi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

11:10 Photonic-based Express Coherence Notifications for Many-core CMPs
José L. Abellán, Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM)

11:30 RSON: an Inter/Intra-Chip Silicon Photonic Network for Rack-Scale Computing Systems
Peng Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

11:50 Lunch Break and Posters

Session III: Silicon Photonics Design Automation
Chair: Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

13:00 KEYNOTE: Enabling Photonic IC Design
Pieter Dumon, Luceda Photonics

13:30 EDA for ONoCs: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities
Ulf Schlichtmann, Technical University of Munich

13:50 Interfacing 3D-stacked Electronic and Optical NoCs with Mixed CMOS-ECL Bridges: a Realistic Preliminary Assessment
Davide Bertozzi, University of Ferrara

14:10 Offline Optimization of Wavelength Allocation and Laser to Deal with Energy-Performance Tradeoffs in Nanophotonic Interconnects
Cedric Killian, IRISA

14:30 Coffee Break and Posters

Session IV: Design Requirements, Challenges, and Applications
Chair: Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

15:00 Thermally-Tuned Photonic Links towards Full Electro-Optical Computing
Yvain Thonnart, CEA LETI & MINATEC

15:20 Crosstalk in Petabyte/s Interconnection
Alan Mickelson, University of Colorado Boulder

15:40 Photonics in Computing: Use "More Than a Link" for Getting "More Than Moore"
Nikos Pleros, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

16:00 A Light Speed Integrated Optical Parallel Multiplier Exploiting Approximate Binary Logarithms with Deterministic Errors
Jun Shiomi, Kyoto University

16:20 Optimal Pairing and Non-Uniform Channel Alignment of Microring-based Transceivers for Comb Laser-Driven DWDM Silicon Photonics
Yuyang Wang, University of California, Santa Barbara

16:45 Panel Discussion on Silicon Photonics
Moderator: Laurent Vivien, CNRS

Pieter Dumon, Luceda Photonics
Bert Jan Offrein, IBM Zurich Research Lab
Nikos Pleros
, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Davide Bertozzi
, University of Ferrara
Yvain Thonnart
Stéphane Bernabé, CEA LETI

17:25 Concluding Remarks and Closing Session
Sébastien Le Beux, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology

18:00 OPTICS Networking Dinner
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